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Category: Divine Truth

I Want What I Want

I Want What I Want

I woke up at 3:30 this morning thinking about something that has plagued me lately; why can’t I stop thinking about makeup? To give you some context… Recently I decided to upgrade the makeup I own, there are only a few pieces I actually use and they all seem to make my eyes itch and/or burn. I went off on a search for cruelty free, vegan makeup that works well, and doesn’t make you want to pull out your eyeballs….

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Personal Feedback from Jesus in regards to Past Crimes

Personal Feedback from Jesus in regards to Past Crimes

For those of you who don’t know, at times in the past my primary income was from the sale of illegal drugs. Essentially I was a criminal profiteering from the pain and suffering of my Brothers and Sisters. The teachings of Divine Truth have helped me to begin to see the errors in that way and encouraged me to make the choice to discontinue this course of action. I originally thought that by stopping myself from engaging in that lifestyle…

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Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger

As this is my first post on our blog, I’ve wanted to share about myself in such a way that I would normally not like to do. I have an addiction to the belief and feeling from others that I’m a nice guy, so talking about myself in this way for everyone to see has been quite a challenge and something I’ve been very resistive to do. As long as I can remember I have basically believed that there probably…

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