Is it Food?

Is it Food?

When we were at a friend’s place recently David spotted something he didn’t recognise and asked “what is that?” The friend explained that the metal cone hanging up was used for stuffing a chook in upside down and cutting it’s head off. “Oh” said David.

On the way home we talked about the stark contrast between killing a chook, plucking out it’s feathers, gutting it and chopping it up (all the while making sure that you are not introducing any harmful bacteria), and picking a zucchini. All that is left to do is cook it but the preparation is vastly different. The effort that is put in to killing and butchering animals seems ridiculous when you compare it to picking fruits and vegetables.

It begs the question; if you need to put so much effort and pain into making something edible, is it food?

My favourite way to eat a tomato is straight off the vine but I, most certainly, would not do that with a cow…


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